Friday, March 20, 2009

Could this be...

the longest week in history? Oh, wait, no that might have been the week leading up to our wedding! But seriously I really don't know how much longer the week could've gotten.

We had Stanford 10 testing this week for all 1st and 2nd graders in the county. Two weeks ago the state decided to spring a surprise on all of the teachers: instead of the usual two days of testing, we're gonna change it to 4 days of testing! :) Ok seriously?! Oh and there was more: we're going to add a whole new section and days worth of testing! WHAT?! Ok,'s all good. And you know what? It was! I am very proud of my kids. I had a couple that did the typical add when they should've subtracted...but what do you expect when you are taking a test that all you have in front of you are answers and the teacher is only allowed to read the question 1 time?! (Not kidding here...really wish I was)

Anyways...Jeff has spent a lot of time up at Shand's this week as we had church family dealing with death. We haven't gotten to spend too much time together which is why we are having a date tonight...a REAL going out to dinner, do something, got a baby sitter date! YAY!

One week from today momma will be closing on her house in Callahan and will be only a few steps away from my front door. We really are happy about this as we are still mourning the loss of daddy and grandma...and anyone who has gone through something like this knows what some of the best medicine is: a baby! and Luke will be available for plenty of play dates with his Gammy.

Meanwhile business is picking up with the photography company. We're getting ready to announce a great deal for sittings. It'll be good on senior sessions, family portraits, etc. Loving the new equipment we've been getting and am getting ready to order a shootsac (can't it picked out and everything!). Super excited that we have a wedding coming up in 2 weeks to shoot. It's going to be a great opportunity to try new things and to scratch the itch I've had since Charlene's wedding, with all of my mental notes I took. (Not stealing ideas from ya'll Chris and Ros...I promise! :-) just an over active mind at work!)

Until later...

Love ya!


The Reinolds said...

Which shootsac did you pick?????? We looooooove ours so far. We can't wait to see the pics from the wedding you are shooting.

And, when I read "and anyone who has gone through something like this knows what some of the best medicine is: a baby!" I GASPED OUT LOUD! I knew that you wouldn't announce something like that on a blog. :) I'm happy for you that your mom will be close. I know you will enjoy it.

Enjoy your hubby time tonight!!! :)

Jenn said...

I really like the shootsac cover that is called Lively. It is free right now with the order of the shootsac...i think that is the one I am leaning towards.