Wednesday, May 20, 2009

So Behind...

in my postings! Things have been incredibly busy and crazy lately so I haven't blogged about any of it. So here are a few quick catch up items of note:
  • Luke started walking! :-) He has decided he prefers to do it more in the afternoon and evening...which isn't so bad b/c he's been tiring himself out more.
  • I am receiving my Professional Contract with the County! another YAY! As of May 26th it will be official.
  • I am moving classrooms. This isn't too bad since I will no longer have a room that leaks. In fact it is one of the brand new 12 rooms that were built through out the year.
  • I was able to visit FBC of Fernandina on Monday night and hear Tony Nolan preach for their revival. It was awesome!
  • While at the church we ran into my daddy's old boss. It was great seeing him again and hearing all of the wonderful things about daddy...especially that everyone at the mill misses him still and it's so different now without him.
  • I will be working an extra few days this summer with our school. We have a stipend coming from our Title 1 funds that enable us to work a little bit more in the summer getting curriculum aligned and working on the school improvement plan.
  • Another group of our students at church will be graduating. Not quite as big of a group as last year, but I am still going to miss them being involved with us. But excited about the new group coming up.
  • Oh yeah...Luke is allergic to strawberries! Found this out during spring break but realized I never blogged about it. Keep them away from is not a pretty sight to see. (I'll post pictures later.)

I'm sure I'll have more coming up soon!

Love ya!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I totally understand about not blogging lately. I think I need to just post a quick list too. Glad things are going well